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Acquire Inventory from Untapped Sources in Your Market

Between ongoing market changes and soaring customer demands, it’s now more important than ever for auto dealers to have options for acquiring inventory to meet consumer demand. That’s why Mastermind has built print and digital Predictive Marketing Campaigns that focus on acquiring pre-owned vehicles for your lot. By utilizing Mastermind’s Predictive Marketing Campaigns, your dealership will be able to maximize your limited inventory for the foreseeable future, regardless of market conditions.

Strategically Build Your Campaign Audiences

When it comes to acquiring vehicles from specific customers in your market, we know you need to think strategically about who you’re reaching out to. That’s why we crafted these inventory acquisition campaigns with specific types of customers in mind, namely those from:

  • Your Market Conquest Audience – We target customers in your market who haven’t purchased from your store or brand before but are likely to sell a vehicle within their household.
  • Your Loyalty Portfolio – We carve out a specific subset of your loyalty customers and find those who are most likely to sell their vehicle, specifically targeting those with equity for a complimentary appraisal.

Send Targeted Messaging to Those Willing to Sell

Now that we have identified the right customers to target for vehicle acquisition, let’s do what Mastermind does best; send the right message at the right time. Our Predictive Marketing Campaigns target individuals in your market with tailored messages and compelling offers to sell you their vehicle. Look to Mastermind to help you acquire vehicles at the right price from your most trusted sources!


Hear directly from our dealer partners on how they sell more cars with Mastermind.



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